The Tools of GameGrade
Coach Auto-Sign:
It's easy to sign your assistants up to use GameGrade. Simply click the box at the top of the 'Add A Coach' form and enter a valid email address. When your assistants enter GameGrade through the Confirmation Link, they are automatically signed up and can view all GameGrade data.
Coaches added CANNOT input/manipulate data. They will ONLY have access to view the same pages as the head coach!
Athlete Auto-Sign:
It's easy to sign your athletes up to use GameGrade. Simply click the box at the top of the athlete form and enter a valid email address. When your athlete enters GameGrade through the Confirmation Link, he/she is automatically signed up and can view his/her GameGrade data.
Using this function will NOT enable athletes to manipulate data. They are only able to view their scores!
Graphing Feature:
Once your data has been entered, simply click on the graph icon on your Player Page or Event Page.
When the boxes come up you can choose any attribute or attributes to give a visual comparison in line graph form.
After selecting the attributes, click the green arrow by your players's positions and your graph will appear in a new window.
Sort Tool: Know Your Game Leaders INSTANTLY!
Click on 'Sort' and you will find the leaders for each attribute for that event. You will instantly know who lead the game in doubles, triples, etc.
Click the 'Printview' button, print and have your totals ready to post in your lockerroom.
Personal/Optimal Subscribers:
Your Leaderboard gives you instant access to who is leading/attribute. No calculations. No deciphering. Simply click on your Leaderboard and your Top 3 will be available.
Print a copy for your lockerroom and let EVERYONE know who your Leaders are.
Player Rankings:
As a Personal/Optimal Subscriber, you have the ability to rank your players. Faster-More efficient, as a subscriber you will instantly have your player rankings. You will not have to study. We do it for you.
Simply click the title in which you want your players ranked.
Total Points/District(Conference/League)/Non-District(Conference/League). Just click the title and your rankings are done by us!
Game(Event) Rankings:
As a Personal/Optimal Subscriber, you have the ability to rank your Events. Simply click on the Team Points and you have instant access to your highest GameGrade Event scores.
Score as many players as you want. With our Paging Feature, you will always have access to your player's scores whether it's 3 players or 300!