2016 Football Packages
All Charts in GameGrade’s Football Packages include Team Customization (Logo/Colors).
Upload your Team Information
-Optimal Subscription
-GameGrade will build your grading template to your specifications to grade your practices.
-Season Set(30) 5x8 Practice Plan Cards
-This card fits easily in your pocket so you will always have it with you on the field
-Season Set(30) 8 1/2x11 Scout Cards
-Draw your opponent’s plays vs. your defensive alignment to run vs. your scout team.
-Season Set(30) GameGrade Offensive Worksheets
-Grade up to 20 of your offensive position players easily on the field or in the film room.
-Season Set(30) GameGrade DefensiveWorksheets
-Grade up to 20 of your defensive position players easily on the field or in the film room.
All charts will be customized with your colors and logo.
Price below reflects all charts/customization and shipping charges.
Package Price: $35.00
-Customized Season Sets Printed and Shipped + Optimal Subscription.
Season Sets and Customized Files: $42.00
-Customized Chart Files and Customized Season Sets + Optimal Subscription.
Chart Files Only: $18.00
- Chart Files Only + Optimal Subscription.
-Optimal Subscription
-GameGrade will build your grading template to your specifications to grade your practices/games.
-Season Set(30) Scout Sheets
-These sheets can easily be copied for future use. They fit into a standard Scouting binder and allow drawing versatility while making standard, pertinent Scout info fast and easy to mark.
-Season Set(30) Scout Cards
-Cards allowing versatility of drawing any legal formation your opponent runs vs. your defense.
-Season Set(30) Kicking Game Scout
-Special Teams formations and tendencies all on one sheet.
All charts will be customized with your colors and logo.
Price below reflects all charts/customization and shipping charges.
Package Price: $30.00
-Customized Season Sets Printed and Shipped + Optimal Subscription.
Season Sets and Customized Files: $36.00
-Customized Chart Files and Customized Season Sets + Optimal Subscription.
Chart Files Only: $16.00
- Chart Files Only + Optimal Subscription.
-Optimal Subscription
-GameGrade will build your grading template to your specifications to grade your practices and games.
-15 Offensive Play Call Sheet
-11x17 sheet providing efficient/effective space for your play calling. Sections allowing you to list top plays as well as top 5 plays for the week, based on field position.
-15 Defensive Call Sheet
-11x17 sheet providing areas for coverages, stunts, fronts and your top 3 defenses per field position as well as vs. hurry-up offenses, prevents and your goaline defenses.
-15 Offensive Hit Sheets
-Track the offensive plays your run from the sideline. Great sheet for halftime self-scout. Have a copy of what works and what doesn’t via field position at your disposal.
-15 Defensive Hit Sheets
-Track your defensive calls from the sideline or pressbox. Great sheet for halftime self-scout. Have a copy of what works and what doesn’t via field position at your disposal.
Also great for film study allowing you to label plays according to defense.
-15 GameGrade Offensive Worksheets
-Grade up to 20 of your offensive position players easily on the field or in the film room.
We will build your worksheet to match your grading template!
-15 GameGrade DefensiveWorksheets
-Grade up to 20 of your defensive position players easily on the field or in the film room.
We will build your worksheet to match your grading template!
All charts will be customized with your colors and logo.
Price below reflects all charts/customization and shipping charges.
Package Price: $30.00
-Customized Season Sets Printed and Shipped + Optimal Subscription.
Charts and Customized Files: $42.00
-Customized Chart Files and Customized Season Sets + Optimal Subscription.
Chart Files Only: $22.00
- Chart Files Only + Optimal Subscription.
-Optimal Subscription
-GameGrade will build your STATS template to your specifications to track your players stats.
-15 Game Stats Sheet
-Every aspect of the game recorded on one sheet. Great for newspaper write-ups or posting in your lockerroom.
-15 Sideline Stats Sheet
-Gather stats as they happen making your final statistical analysis easy after the game. Also a great halftime check!
-15 GameGrade Tackle Charts
-Capable of tracking tackles 15 games and 30 players. Categories include: Solo/Assist/Total. Available as a spreadsheet (add $5.00).
All charts will be customized with your colors and logo.
Price below reflects all charts/customization and shipping charges.
Package Price: $25.00
-Customized Season Sets Printed and Shipped + Optimal Subscription.
Charts and Customized Files: $31.00
-Customized Chart Files and Customized Season Sets + Optimal Subscription.
Chart Files Only: $16.00
- Chart Files Only + Optimal Subscription.
Upload your Team Information
Email your order to: info@mygamegrade.com
or Call:
903 - 910 - 8488